Sunday, February 16, 2014

Church Ramblings

So day at church we had a few things that just cracked us up (not because of anyone else, but just us!  We are so funny!--serious someone needs to invent the sarcastic font!)

First, all the song books are in Korea, except one.  Sometimes the Korean's make sure we have it and sometimes they don't.  During the first song Lucas looked over and saw the one page in the Korean book that is in English (the page that tells you what page the songs are found in the English book compared to the Korean book).  He turns to the correct song and hands it to me.  I look at him and just say "thanks"  but in the are you an idiot?' kind of voice.  He looked shocked and hurt for a second then looked at the book, He figured out what he did and started laughing.  It is hard in the middle of church to not laugh---so of course that never helps, but lucky for us we were able to stop our shoulder shaking silent laughing by the time the last verse hit, which was good cause Lucas had the opening prayer.

In our religion when we take the sacrament we pick up the bread with our right hands, and use our right hand to lift the cup to take the water-- So after church a man came up to Lucas and asked if our kids where left handed because they were taking the sacrament with their left hands. It is not a RULE anywhere, but more symbolic and most people are aware of this, but our kids are still small and since they are not old enough to be baptized (except Sedona), they technically don't even HAVE to take the sacrament, which is a point of disagreement between Lucas and I --when should kids start taking the sacrament.  I say from the time they can do it themselves, Lucas says when they are baptized---so we have agreed when they can recognize a picture of Jesus and say his name (normally around 2) they can take the sacrament. ANYWAY--so on the way home Lucas was telling me things he WANTED to say to the man, but thankfully didn't.  One of which I thought was brilliant!  He wanted to say "We make our children take it with their left hand until they are baptized, then they are allowed to use their right".  I actually thought that was really interesting!!

So during the sacrament, Lucas was holding Wheeler.  He pointed at a picture of Christ and said, "who is this?"  Wheeler got all excited and said "Daddy!"  Oh man--again silent shoulder shaking laughter!

Well now that I have typed all of that I am not thinking it is as funny anymore--but it is a memory I want to keep so I guess it will stay!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sitting here in a fit of giggles at your story about Wheeler naming Jesus as "Daddy!!" - too funny! :D
