Wednesday, May 8, 2013

One Step Forward ... Two Steps Back

I found out on Monday--I think Monday---that my Apostilled diploma was not stapled correctly so I am having to redo it--which means I am now about a week behind in getting our Visa's.

So now the game begins--

Updates from 5/14/2013 in RED

Do I....

1.  Change everyone flights two weeks further--which will include now paying for ANOTHER flight since Wheeler will be over two by that time....NOPE

2.  Fly myself to San Francisco and pick up my Visa in person.....NOPE

If we fly to Korea as planned we can....YEP

3. Have all of us (or just me) go to Japan and get my visa--which would take 2 days. YEP

4.  Hope that my visa gets to my home address and then mailed to me before school starts....nope since I have to mail in my passport to get my visa--this won't work!


I am still waiting to hear from the director of the school if we can stay in the apartment or if we will have to rent a hotel room!  We have to rent a hotel! :( 

All of these options cost money--and since I don't get paid for the first month I am working I am actually a little worried!

BUT I know that it will work out!

UPDATE  5/14/2013

SO Since I have never flow internationally before--or gotten a visa--I didn't know you had to send in your passport to get a visa---THAT won't be happening since I kind of need my passport to fly to Korea....

I COULD chance it and send it in, but I am not sure I am not daring!! 

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