Thursday, October 10, 2013

Marinds and Steve!

Marinda and Steve are here visiting!
Our first day we picked them up at the airport where Steve`s passport didn`t scan correctly so they pylled him aside and asked him all sorts of questions.  I guess the Larson family has now been investigated to make sure Steve`s story is true~ they pulled all our records up and questiomed Steve about who we are, and who he is and why are we all here!  Poor guy!

After that we found a hotel~ the first hotel was to expensive. The second hotel Lucas chewed the guy out because he wouldn`t let Lucas look at a room before we bought it but The Raindow Hotel was very kind and we stayed there.  If it had been an American hotel it would have been considered a hole in the wall~ but I found it a perfect example of Korea culture~except for the actual hole in the wall in our room.
Three beds in a long skinny room was great! Sedona got her own bed for the night and Wheeler, sharing with Pepper, fell off twice~so eventually Pepper got her own bed cause Wheeler slept with us.
One reason I loved it~there was a bathtub! I got to take my first bath in over 4 months.  It was small, but the water was hot so I didn`t care.

The next morning we explored the `foreigner` shopping center in Seoul.  Walking from our hotel we passed, and looked at a huge display of planes, tanks, a few boats and a ship.  It was really neat to see those things up close and think about Grandpa Cluff, Uncle Robert, and others we know who served in the war.

We then were soon in the middle of stores~ selling clothes, knick knacks, food, and anything else a tourist could want.  I know where to go to buy my memory items before we go home! 

Soon we were running to catch the bullet train home~ made it by about 2 minutes.  We bought standing room only tickets but were able to sit together the whole time. 

To be continued!


  1. Thanks for this blog. My family and I might possibly be headed to live in Korea in the next few months and reading your blog has given me the strength to know we can do it.

  2. I'm so sorry that Steve got questioned, and glad it worked out in the end. On the bright side, at least it proves that border security care about their jobs!

    The visit sounds lovely, and that hairstyle is...uniquely vertical. :-D

    Hope you're all well and happy.

    Gill/Kammy x
